Over the years I have become proficient in all essential RC / FPV & Drone Flight disciplines:
- Wireless FPV Video Systems
- Wireless Data & RC FPV Telemetry Systems
- Building & Flying of RC & FPV Fixed Wing Aircraft
- Building & Flying of RC & FPV Helicopters
- Building & Flying of RC & FPV Multirotors (Quadcopters)
- Building of Custom ROV Craft
- Building of Custom UAV Autonomous Craft
- Programming & Implementation of Flight Controllers
- Aerial Video
- Aerial Photography
- Custom FPV Ground Stations
- Custom FPV Long Range Antenna Trackers
- Custom FPV & UAV Pan / Tilts
*Please note, this portfolio is currently being updated, please check back again soon.

26cc Petrol Engine
RC Aerial Photography
Since 2004!

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
Keep up to date with my latest RC / FPV & Drone Flight videos!
- FPV Build Logs
- FPV Aircraft & Equipment Reviews
- On Board Flight Footage
- RC Tips, Tricks
- New Product Designs
- Ground Station Builds
- Lots more!
*Please note, this portfolio is currently being updated, please check back again soon.
FPV – 2km Car Chase – Low & Far
Here is a video of me taking a flight up to the next village and back. Flown with a TBS Discovery FPV Quadcopter & GoPro Camera.