in Electronic, Robotic, Mechanical & Software Engineering
(Embedded Systems)
I have formal college education in electronic & robotic engineering. Despite this, nearly everything I know today, I have learned since.
Similarly, what I am learning today will be irrelevant in years to come. This is the true nature of Technology & Innovation. It’s fast moving, always changing & you must keep up.
For 30+ years (since I was a young boy) my knowledge, flair & passion for everything ‘technology’ has continued to grow.
…These days,
I’m designing complex circuits using IoT (Internet of Things) wireless technology. I’ve also been building a custom Operating System (OS) using C++ with embedded systems. I’m also building several off-grid power systems, using the latest battery chemistries.
And so much more!
I help my clients bring products to market & innovate using the latest technologies and design processes.

Some of my recent projects have included:
- TFT Touch screen menu interface UI/UX
- Mini OLED Screen & rotary encoder menu interface UI/UX
- RFID Authentication & Entry Systems
- GSM Telecoms and 3G Wireless Data Transmissions
- Custom Wireless Data Transmission Protocols
- Back-end (cloud) Database Management (PHP/MySQL)
- Host of wireless iot Sensors and network infrastructure
- A.I & Voice Synthesis Programming
- Bespoke mobile tactical / security systems
- GPS Telemetry, Tracking and Navigation Devices
- Off-Grid Solar power systems
- Many LiFePo4 / LiPo / Li-ion / LTO / AGM Cell battery banks
- Long Range FPV/UAV Transmission Systems
- Numerous UAV Autonomous Flight Aircraft
- FPV / UAV Antenna Tracker System
- Heavy Duty Pan & Tilt Systems
- Micro airborne pan & tilt systems
- Several FPV / UAV Ground-stations
- Remote Wireless Camera Control System (Self Powered)
- Industrial Safety Systems (construction industry)
- High Performance Overclocked & Watercooled PC Systems
- Secure Survival ‘Den’ Frame Structure
Plus a few projects i’m not allowed to talk about! ;)

Pan & Tilt Mechanics
Damping Stabiliser
This was CNC machined in Aluminium. I designed it to stop the camera mount system from swinging around like a pendulum. I designed the unit around some RC Car oil filled shock absorbers. The final machined part attaches to the aircraft and the camera pan / tilt hangs from it.

Main Pan Unit
Here is the main pan hub with Tilt arms. The pan & tilt unit is driven remotely (wirelessly) by a separate camera operator. The camera moves around using servos, gears and controlled by Gyros for auto stabilisation.

Roller Bearing Disk
This is still sitting in my cupboard somewhere. Although I never actually flew with this design, it was just something I mocked up during the development stages. There are lighter and less maintenance heavy design options so this design was shelved in the end.

FPV Ultimate Antenna Tracker
More than 400 well thought out parts come together to make up the perfect balance of speed, strength and reliability. This FPV Antenna Tracker has been custom designed for the ultimate in performance and maintenance free operation.
Small Pan & Tilt Designs
The Andology Corporation is a complete business solutions provider.
We have the tools, the talent, AND the knowledge to ‘bring your product to life’ & set YOU apart from the competition.

Electronics Prototyping
I create and prototype many types of digital and analogue electronic circuits.
- Initial Concept / Viability / Specification
- Circuit Schematic Design
- Circuit Prototype (Bread/Strip Board)
- PCB Procurement / Manufacture
- PCB Assembly & Testing
- Surface Mount SMT / SMD Soldering
- Bill Of Materials Generation (BOM)
- Plus a whole lot more!
FPV Ground Station V2.2
Although a little old, this movie goes through the design & construction of the main circuit for one of my FPV ground stations. For those that are not familiar with building circuits & soldering – there’s loads of info here!
‘Full Stack’ developer!
I have a multitude of experience in a wide range of Software Development & Embedded Systems.
- C++ (Arduino Microcontrollers)
- PBASIC (Basic Stamp)
- PHP & MySQL (Databases)
- HTML (Website Design)
- CSS (Website Design)
- Javascript (JS)
- Action Script (Adobe Flash)
- Plus a whole lot more!
T.I.A – Introduction
Here’s a quick video to demonstrate one of the new products I’ve been working on for some time.
Her name is “TIA”. She is my “Tactical Intelligence Assistant”. It is my design for a mobile (wireless) security, monitoring and automation system.
This video is just to demonstrate the Voice Synthesis part of the software at the moment.